Saturday, February 14, 2009
hello! i know it's boring to see me here again. i forgot to praise you all for the good effort most members (some are still slack, wa i feel like saying who these annoying people are) have put in these few months. and most importantly, linlaoshi actually "tried" to praise us on friday, but not sure whether you all get the hint? and linlaoshi made it easier for us by cutting those very challenging parts for sheng and dizi alrd. please put in more effort in refining your dizi parts DIZIs. hope the camp can be approved, and i'm counting on the camp.
nevertheless, we are still not up to standard yet. i dont know it's a kind of ahs laid back culture or what. we only have the sense of urgency when the central judging is only near the corner. i'm really not like that when i was in sec 2 lor. i was very obedient because i was very scared of huiling back then, but i really don't see the reason why people want to pon. they are _______s (:
i got this from someone's blog. i can't say it's from who. "TAIFENG! Very important la, if we really want GWH we mus have TF and must stand out from the rest of the noob schools! They noob they dun do TF thats their business. The best schools do, thats why we should do."
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE LACKING! gonna brush up during the intensive training in the march hols! bear in mind taifeng!
-you know who
Friday, February 13, 2009
yo people! yo seniors!
this is the design for the co tee
super big credits to YUJUN!
designed by our beloved YUJUN!
front and back designed by her, isn't ahsco fortunate to have her, being a great artist, in CO(:
seniors do note that the shirts will arrive around end of feb/early march.
the colour should be yellow, because not sure whether ancell has this kind of yellow, but if they dont have, it maybe orange. once the shirts arrived, we will msg you and the amt of money, because it's not very convenient for us to say it over here.
yup but anyway, for those seniors who missed it, don't worry. we have bought extra shirts, so if you think it's nice and you wouldn't want to miss it, do sms us if you want it.
on a lighter note, we may have CAMP!!! yay, it all depends on the approval of dr boon. let's pray hard that she nods her head and sign on the proposal, "approved." so let's wait! be patient alright!